path: root/misc/mon_ami/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/mon_ami/')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/mon_ami/ b/misc/mon_ami/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e9225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/mon_ami/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# MonAMI Asterisk Manger Interface Server
+# Asterisk AMI Emulator Handler Process
+# (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012
+from threading import Thread
+from log import ldebug, linfo, lwarn, lerror, lcritic
+from time import sleep
+from traceback import format_exc
+from collections import deque
+from urllib import unquote
+from asterisk import AsteriskAMIServer
+from socket import SHUT_RDWR
+from helper import sval
+class MonAMIHandler(Thread):
+ def __init__(self, socket, address, event_socket=None):
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.runthread = True
+ self.socket = socket
+ self.address = address
+ self.event_socket = event_socket
+ self.ami = None
+ self.deregister_at_server = None
+ self.message_pipe = deque()
+ self.channels = {}
+ self.user_password_authentication = None
+ self.account_name = ''
+ def stop(self):
+ ldebug('thread stop', self)
+ self.ami.stop()
+ self.runthread = False
+ def shutdown(self):
+ self.deregister_at_server(self)
+ ldebug('closing connection to %s:%d' % self.address)
+ try:
+ self.socket.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR)
+ self.socket.close()
+ ldebug('connection closed ', self)
+ except:
+ ldebug('connection closed by foreign host', self)
+ def run(self):
+ ldebug('starting MonAMI handler thread', self)
+ # starting asterisk AMI thread
+ self.ami = AsteriskAMIServer(self.socket, self.address, self.message_pipe)
+ self.ami.start()
+ self.ami.send_greeting()
+ # register for events
+ self.event_socket.register_client_queue(self.message_pipe, 'CHANNEL_CREATE')
+ self.event_socket.register_client_queue(self.message_pipe, 'CHANNEL_DESTROY')
+ self.event_socket.register_client_queue(self.message_pipe, 'CHANNEL_STATE')
+ self.event_socket.register_client_queue(self.message_pipe, 'CHANNEL_ANSWER')
+ self.event_socket.register_client_queue(self.message_pipe, 'CHANNEL_BRIDGE')
+ while self.runthread and self.ami.isAlive():
+ if self.message_pipe:
+ message = self.message_pipe.pop()
+ message_type = sval(message, 'type')
+ if message_type == 'freeswitch_event':
+ self.handle_fs_event(message['body'])
+ elif message_type == 'ami_client_message':
+ self.handle_ami_client_message(message['body'])
+ else:
+ sleep(0.1)
+ self.event_socket.deregister_client_queue_all(self.message_pipe)
+ ldebug('exiting MonAMI handler thread', self)
+ self.shutdown()
+ def handle_ami_client_message(self, message):
+ if 'Action' in message:
+ action = message['Action'].lower()
+ if action == 'login':
+ if 'UserName' in message:
+ self.account_name = message['UserName']
+ if 'Secret' in message and self.user_password_authentication and self.user_password_authentication(self.account_name, message['Secret']):
+ self.ami.send_login_ack()
+ ldebug('AMI connection authenticated - account: %s' % self.account_name, self)
+ else:
+ self.ami.send_login_nack()
+ linfo('AMI authentication failed - account: %s' % sval(message, 'UserName'), self)
+ self.ami.stop()
+ self.stop()
+ elif action == 'logoff':
+ self.ami.send_logout_ack()
+ ldebug('AMI logout', self)
+ self.ami.stop()
+ self.stop()
+ elif action == 'ping':
+ self.ami.send_pong(sval(message, 'ActionID'))
+ elif action == 'status':
+ self.ami.send_status_ack(sval(message, 'ActionID'))
+ elif action == 'command' and sval(message, 'Command') == 'core show version':
+ self.ami.send_asterisk_version(sval(message, 'ActionID'))
+ elif action == 'hangup':
+ account_name, separator, uuid = str(sval(message, 'Channel')).rpartition('-uuid-')
+ if account_name != '':
+ self.event_socket.hangup(uuid)
+ self.ami.send_hangup_ack()
+ elif action == 'originate':
+ self.message_originate(message)
+ elif action == 'extensionstate':
+ self.ami.send_extension_state(sval(message, 'ActionID'), sval(message, 'Exten'), sval(message, 'Context'))
+ else:
+ ldebug('unknown asterisk message received: %s' % message, self)
+ self.ami.send_message_unknown(message['Action'])
+ def to_unique_channel_name(self, uuid, channel_name):
+ # strip anything left of sip_account_name
+ path, separator, contact_part = channel_name.rpartition('/sip:')
+ if path == '':
+ path, separator, contact_part = channel_name.rpartition('/')
+ # if failed return name unchanged
+ if path == '':
+ return channel_name
+ # strip domain part
+ account_name = contact_part.partition('@')[0]
+ # if failed return name unchanged
+ if account_name == '':
+ return channel_name
+ # create unique channel name
+ return 'SIP/%s-uuid-%s' % (account_name, uuid)
+ def message_originate(self, message):
+ destination_number = str(sval(message, 'Exten'))
+ action_id = sval(message, 'ActionID')
+ self.ami.send_originate_ack(action_id)
+ uuid = self.event_socket.originate(self.account_name, destination_number, action_id)
+ def handle_fs_event(self, event):
+ event_type = event['Event-Name']
+ #ldebug('event type received: %s' % event_type, self)
+ event_types = {
+ 'CHANNEL_CREATE': self.event_channel_create,
+ 'CHANNEL_DESTROY': self.event_channel_destroy,
+ 'CHANNEL_STATE': self.event_channel_state,
+ 'CHANNEL_ANSWER': self.event_channel_answer,
+ 'CHANNEL_BRIDGE': self.event_channel_bridge,
+ }
+ uuid = event_types[event_type](event)
+ if not uuid:
+ return False
+ channel = sval(self.channels, uuid);
+ if not channel:
+ return False
+ o_uuid = channel['o_uuid']
+ o_channel = sval(self.channels, o_uuid);
+ if sval(channel, 'origination_action') or sval(o_channel, 'origination_action'):
+ if not sval(channel, 'ami_start') and not sval(o_channel, 'ami_start'):
+ if sval(channel, 'owned') and sval(channel, 'origination_action'):
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for origitate call start (on this channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_originate_start(channel)
+ self.channels[uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ elif sval(o_channel, 'owned') and sval(o_channel, 'origination_action'):
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for origitate call start (on other channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_originate_start(o_channel)
+ self.channels[o_uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ elif o_channel:
+ if sval(channel, 'owned') and sval(channel, 'origination_action'):
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for origitate call progress (on this channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_originate_outbound(channel)
+ self.channels[uuid]['origination_action'] = False
+ elif sval(o_channel, 'owned') and sval(o_channel, 'origination_action'):
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for origitate call progress (on other channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_originate_outbound(o_channel)
+ self.channels[o_uuid]['origination_action'] = False
+ elif o_channel:
+ if not sval(channel, 'ami_start') and not sval(o_channel, 'ami_start'):
+ if sval(channel, 'owned') and sval(channel, 'direction') == 'inbound':
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for outbound call start (on this channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_outbound_start(channel)
+ self.channels[uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ elif sval(o_channel, 'owned') and sval(channel, 'direction') == 'outbound':
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for outbound call start (on other channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_outbound_start(o_channel)
+ self.channels[o_uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ if not sval(channel, 'ami_start')and not sval(o_channel, 'ami_start'):
+ if sval(channel, 'owned') and sval(channel, 'direction') == 'outbound':
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for inbound call start (on this channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_inbound_start(channel)
+ self.channels[uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ elif sval(o_channel, 'owned') and sval(channel, 'direction') == 'inbound':
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for inbound call start (on other channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_inbound_start(o_channel)
+ self.channels[o_uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ def event_channel_create(self, event):
+ uuid = sval(event, 'Unique-ID')
+ o_uuid = sval(event, 'Other-Leg-Unique-ID')
+ if uuid in self.channels:
+ ldebug('channel already listed: %s' % uuid, self)
+ return false
+ channel_name = self.to_unique_channel_name(uuid, unquote(str(sval(event, 'Channel-Name'))))
+ o_channel_name = self.to_unique_channel_name(o_uuid, unquote(str(sval(event, 'Other-Leg-Channel-Name'))))
+ if self.account_name in channel_name:
+ channel_owned = True
+ else:
+ channel_owned = False
+ if self.account_name in o_channel_name:
+ channel_related = True
+ else:
+ channel_related = False
+ if not channel_owned and not channel_related:
+ ldebug('channel neither owned nor reladed to account: %s' % uuid, self)
+ return False
+ channel = {
+ 'uuid': uuid,
+ 'name': channel_name,
+ 'direction': sval(event, 'Call-Direction'),
+ 'channel_state': sval(event, 'Channel-State'),
+ 'call_state': sval(event, 'Channel-Call-State'),
+ 'answer_state': sval(event, 'Answer-State'),
+ 'owned': channel_owned,
+ 'related': channel_related,
+ 'caller_id_name': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Caller-ID-Name'))),
+ 'caller_id_number': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Caller-ID-Number'))),
+ 'callee_id_name': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Callee-ID-Name'))),
+ 'callee_id_number': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Callee-ID-Number'))),
+ 'destination_number': str(sval(event, 'Caller-Destination-Number')),
+ 'origination_action': sval(event, 'variable_origination_action'),
+ 'o_uuid': o_uuid,
+ 'o_name': o_channel_name,
+ }
+ if channel['answer_state'] == 'ringing':
+ if channel['direction'] == 'inbound':
+ asterisk_channel_state = 4
+ else:
+ asterisk_channel_state = 5
+ else:
+ asterisk_channel_state = 0
+ if not o_uuid:
+ ldebug('one legged call, channel: %s' % uuid, self)
+ elif o_uuid not in self.channels:
+ o_channel = {
+ 'uuid': o_uuid,
+ 'name': o_channel_name,
+ 'direction': sval(event, 'Other-Leg-Direction'),
+ 'channel_state': sval(event, 'Channel-State'),
+ 'call_state': sval(event, 'Channel-Call-State'),
+ 'answer_state': sval(event, 'Answer-State'),
+ 'owned': channel_related,
+ 'related': channel_owned,
+ 'caller_id_name': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Caller-ID-Name'))),
+ 'caller_id_number': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Caller-ID-Number'))),
+ 'callee_id_name': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Callee-ID-Name'))),
+ 'callee_id_number': unquote(str(sval(event, 'Caller-Callee-ID-Number'))),
+ 'destination_number': str(sval(event, 'Other-Leg-Destination-Number')),
+ 'o_uuid': uuid,
+ 'o_name': channel_name,
+ }
+ if o_channel['answer_state'] == 'ringing':
+ if o_channel['direction'] == 'inbound':
+ asterisk_o_channel_state = 4
+ else:
+ asterisk_o_channel_state = 5
+ else:
+ asterisk_o_channel_state = 0
+ ldebug('create channel list entry for related channel: %s, name: %s' % (o_uuid, o_channel_name), self)
+ self.channels[o_uuid] = o_channel
+ else:
+ ldebug('updating channel: %s, name: %s, o_uuid: %s, o_name %s' % (o_uuid, o_channel_name, uuid, channel_name), self)
+ self.channels[o_uuid]['o_uuid'] = uuid
+ self.channels[o_uuid]['o_name'] = channel_name
+ o_channel = self.channels[o_uuid]
+ if channel_owned:
+ ldebug('create channel list entry for own channel: %s, name: %s' % (uuid, channel_name), self)
+ elif channel_related:
+ ldebug('create channel list entry for related channel: %s, name: %s' % (uuid, channel_name), self)
+ self.channels[uuid] = channel
+ return uuid
+ def event_channel_destroy(self, event):
+ uuid = sval(event, 'Unique-ID')
+ hangup_cause_code = int(sval(event, 'variable_hangup_cause_q850'))
+ channel = sval(self.channels, uuid)
+ if channel:
+ channel['hangup_cause_code'] = hangup_cause_code
+ if sval(channel, 'ami_start'):
+ self.ami_send_outbound_end(channel)
+ del self.channels[uuid]
+ ldebug('channel removed from list: %s, cause %d' % (uuid, hangup_cause_code), self)
+ return uuid
+ def event_channel_state(self, event):
+ uuid = sval(event, 'Unique-ID')
+ channel_state = sval(event, 'Channel-State')
+ call_state = sval(event, 'Channel-Call-State')
+ answer_state = sval(event, 'Answer-State')
+ if sval(self.channels, uuid) and False:
+ ldebug('updating channel state - channel: %s, channel_state: %s, call_state %s, answer_state: %s' % (uuid, channel_state, call_state, answer_state), self)
+ self.channels[uuid]['channel_state'] = channel_state
+ self.channels[uuid]['call_state'] = call_state
+ self.channels[uuid]['answer_state'] = answer_state
+ return uuid
+ def event_channel_answer(self, event):
+ uuid = sval(event, 'Unique-ID')
+ o_uuid = sval(event, 'Other-Leg-Unique-ID')
+ channel = sval(self.channels, uuid)
+ if not o_uuid:
+ o_uuid = sval(channel, 'o_uuid')
+ o_channel = sval(self.channels, o_uuid)
+ origination_action = sval(channel, 'origination_action')
+ if channel:
+ channel_state = sval(event, 'Channel-State')
+ call_state = sval(event, 'Channel-Call-State')
+ answer_state = sval(event, 'Answer-State')
+ ldebug('channel answered - channel: %s, owned: %s, channel_state: %s, call_state %s, answer_state: %s, other leg: %s' % (uuid, sval(channel, 'owned'), channel_state, call_state, answer_state, o_uuid), self)
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(uuid, sval(channel, 'name'), 6, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'))
+ self.channels[uuid]['channel_state'] = channel_state
+ self.channels[uuid]['call_state'] = call_state
+ self.channels[uuid]['answer_state'] = answer_state
+ if sval(channel, 'origination_action'):
+ if sval(channel, 'owned'):
+ ldebug('sending AMI originate response - success: %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami.send_event_originate_response(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), '101', sval(channel, 'origination_action'), 4)
+ elif not o_uuid:
+ ldebug('sending AMI events for outbound call start on one legged call (this channel): %s' % uuid, self)
+ self.ami_send_outbound_start(channel)
+ self.ami.send_event_bridge(uuid, sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), o_uuid, sval(o_channel, 'name'), sval(o_channel, 'caller_id_number'))
+ self.channels[uuid]['ami_start'] = True
+ return uuid
+ return False
+ def event_channel_bridge(self, event):
+ uuid = sval(event, 'Unique-ID')
+ o_uuid = sval(event, 'Other-Leg-Unique-ID')
+ ldebug('bridge channel: %s to %s' % (uuid, o_uuid), self)
+ channel = sval(self.channels, uuid)
+ o_channel = sval(self.channels, o_uuid)
+ if sval(channel, 'owned') or sval(o_channel, 'owned'):
+ ldebug('sending AMI bridge response: %s -> %s' % (uuid, o_uuid), self)
+ self.ami.send_event_bridge(uuid, sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), o_uuid, sval(o_channel, 'name'), sval(o_channel, 'caller_id_number'))
+ def ami_send_outbound_start(self, channel):
+ self.ami.send_event_newchannel(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), 0, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), 4, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newchannel(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), 0, '', '', '')
+ self.ami.send_event_dial_begin(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newcallerid(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'), '', 0)
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), 5, sval(channel, 'destination_number'), '')
+ def ami_send_outbound_end(self, channel):
+ self.ami.send_event_hangup(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'), '', sval(channel, 'hangup_cause_code'))
+ self.ami.send_event_dial_end(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'))
+ self.ami.send_event_hangup(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'hangup_cause_code'))
+ if sval(channel, 'origination_action'):
+ self.ami.send_event_originate_response(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'), sval(channel, 'origination_action'), 1)
+ def ami_send_inbound_start(self, channel):
+ self.ami.send_event_newchannel(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), 0, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'callee_id_number'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), 4, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newchannel(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), 0, '', '', '')
+ self.ami.send_event_dial_begin(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), 5, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newcallerid(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'), '', 0)
+ def ami_send_originate_start(self, channel):
+ self.ami.send_event_newchannel(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), 0, '', '', '')
+ self.ami.send_event_newcallerid(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), 0)
+ self.ami.send_event_newaccountcode(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newcallerid(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), 0)
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), 5, sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'))
+ def ami_send_originate_outbound(self, channel):
+ self.ami.send_event_newchannel(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), 0, '', '', '')
+ self.ami.send_event_dial_begin(sval(channel, 'uuid'), sval(channel, 'name'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_number'), sval(channel, 'caller_id_name'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'))
+ self.ami.send_event_newcallerid(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), sval(channel, 'destination_number'), '', 0)
+ self.ami.send_event_newstate(sval(channel, 'o_uuid'), sval(channel, 'o_name'), 5, sval(channel, 'destination_number'), '')