path: root/src/ThumbnailCache.vala
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-23 09:06:59 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-23 09:06:59 +0200
commit4ea2cc3bd4a7d9b1c54a9d33e6a1cf82e7c8c21d (patch)
treed2e54377d14d604356c86862a326f64ae64dadd6 /src/ThumbnailCache.vala
Imported Upstream version 0.18.1upstream/0.18.1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ThumbnailCache.vala')
1 files changed, 619 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ThumbnailCache.vala b/src/ThumbnailCache.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c24087c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ThumbnailCache.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class Thumbnails {
+ private Gee.HashMap<ThumbnailCache.Size, Gdk.Pixbuf> map = new Gee.HashMap<ThumbnailCache.Size,
+ Gdk.Pixbuf>();
+ public Thumbnails() {
+ }
+ public void set(ThumbnailCache.Size size, Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) {
+ map.set(size, pixbuf);
+ }
+ public void remove(ThumbnailCache.Size size) {
+ map.unset(size);
+ }
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf? get(ThumbnailCache.Size size) {
+ return map.get(size);
+ }
+public class ThumbnailCache : Object {
+ public const Gdk.InterpType DEFAULT_INTERP = Gdk.InterpType.HYPER;
+ public const Jpeg.Quality DEFAULT_QUALITY = Jpeg.Quality.HIGH;
+ public const int MAX_INMEMORY_DATA_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
+ // Some code relies on Size's pixel values being manipulated and then using Size's methods,
+ // so be careful before changing any of these values (and especially careful before arbitrarily
+ // manipulating a Size enum)
+ public enum Size {
+ LARGEST = 360,
+ BIG = 360,
+ MEDIUM = 128,
+ SMALLEST = 128;
+ public int get_scale() {
+ return (int) this;
+ }
+ public Scaling get_scaling() {
+ return Scaling.for_best_fit(get_scale(), true);
+ }
+ public static Size get_best_size(int scale) {
+ return scale <= MEDIUM.get_scale() ? MEDIUM : BIG;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Size[] ALL_SIZES = { Size.BIG, Size.MEDIUM };
+ public delegate void AsyncFetchCallback(Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf, Gdk.Pixbuf? unscaled, Dimensions dim,
+ Gdk.InterpType interp, Error? err);
+ private class ImageData {
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
+ public ulong bytes;
+ public ImageData(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) {
+ this.pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ // This is not entirely accurate (see Gtk doc note on pixbuf Image Data), but close enough
+ // for government work
+ bytes = (ulong) pixbuf.get_rowstride() * (ulong) pixbuf.get_height();
+ }
+ ~ImageData() {
+ cycle_dropped_bytes += bytes;
+ schedule_debug();
+ }
+ }
+ private class AsyncFetchJob : BackgroundJob {
+ public ThumbnailCache cache;
+ public string thumbnail_name;
+ public ThumbnailSource source;
+ public PhotoFileFormat source_format;
+ public Dimensions dim;
+ public Gdk.InterpType interp;
+ public unowned AsyncFetchCallback callback;
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf unscaled;
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf scaled = null;
+ public Error err = null;
+ public bool fetched = false;
+ public AsyncFetchJob(ThumbnailCache cache, string thumbnail_name,
+ ThumbnailSource source, Gdk.Pixbuf? prefetched, Dimensions dim,
+ Gdk.InterpType interp, AsyncFetchCallback callback, Cancellable? cancellable) {
+ base(cache, async_fetch_completion_callback, cancellable);
+ this.cache = cache;
+ this.thumbnail_name = thumbnail_name;
+ this.source = source;
+ this.source_format = source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format();
+ this.unscaled = prefetched;
+ this.dim = dim;
+ this.interp = interp;
+ this.callback = callback;
+ }
+ public override BackgroundJob.JobPriority get_priority() {
+ // lower-quality interps are scheduled first; this is interpreted as a "quick" thumbnail
+ // fetch, versus higher-quality, which are to clean up the display
+ switch (interp) {
+ case Gdk.InterpType.NEAREST:
+ case Gdk.InterpType.TILES:
+ return JobPriority.HIGH;
+ case Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR:
+ case Gdk.InterpType.HYPER:
+ default:
+ return JobPriority.NORMAL;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ try {
+ // load-and-decode if not already prefetched
+ if (unscaled == null) {
+ unscaled = cache.read_pixbuf(thumbnail_name, source_format);
+ fetched = true;
+ }
+ if (is_cancelled())
+ return;
+ // scale if specified
+ scaled = dim.has_area() ? resize_pixbuf(unscaled, dim, interp) : unscaled;
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ // Is the problem that the thumbnail couldn't be read? If so, it's recoverable;
+ // we'll just create it and leave this.err as null if creation works.
+ if (err is FileError) {
+ try {
+ Photo photo = source as Photo;
+ Video video = source as Video;
+ if (photo != null) {
+ unscaled = photo.get_pixbuf(Scaling.for_best_fit(dim.width, true));
+ photo.notify_altered(new Alteration("image","thumbnail"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (video != null) {
+ unscaled = video.create_thumbnail(dim.width);
+ scaled = resize_pixbuf(unscaled, dim, interp);
+ cache.save_thumbnail(cache.get_source_cached_file(source),
+ unscaled, source);
+ replace(source, cache.size, unscaled);
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ // Creating the thumbnail failed; tell the rest of the app.
+ this.err = e;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // ...the original error wasn't from reading the file, but something else;
+ // tell the rest of the app.
+ this.err = err;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static Workers fetch_workers = null;
+ public const ulong MAX_BIG_CACHED_BYTES = 40 * 1024 * 1024;
+ public const ulong MAX_MEDIUM_CACHED_BYTES = 30 * 1024 * 1024;
+ private static ThumbnailCache big = null;
+ private static ThumbnailCache medium = null;
+ private static OneShotScheduler debug_scheduler = null;
+ private static int cycle_fetched_thumbnails = 0;
+ private static int cycle_async_fetched_thumbnails = 0;
+ private static int cycle_async_resized_thumbnails = 0;
+ private static int cycle_overflow_thumbnails = 0;
+ private static ulong cycle_dropped_bytes = 0;
+ private File cache_dir;
+ private Size size;
+ private ulong max_cached_bytes;
+ private Gdk.InterpType interp;
+ private Jpeg.Quality quality;
+ private Gee.HashMap<string, ImageData> cache_map = new Gee.HashMap<string, ImageData>();
+ private Gee.ArrayList<string> cache_lru = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+ private ulong cached_bytes = 0;
+ private ThumbnailCache(Size size, ulong max_cached_bytes, Gdk.InterpType interp = DEFAULT_INTERP,
+ Jpeg.Quality quality = DEFAULT_QUALITY) {
+ cache_dir = AppDirs.get_cache_subdir("thumbs", "thumbs%d".printf(size.get_scale()));
+ this.size = size;
+ this.max_cached_bytes = max_cached_bytes;
+ this.interp = interp;
+ this.quality = quality;
+ }
+ // Doing this because static construct {} not working nor new'ing in the above statement
+ public static void init() {
+ debug_scheduler = new OneShotScheduler("ThumbnailCache cycle reporter", report_cycle);
+ fetch_workers = new Workers(Workers.threads_per_cpu(1), true);
+ big = new ThumbnailCache(Size.BIG, MAX_BIG_CACHED_BYTES);
+ medium = new ThumbnailCache(Size.MEDIUM, MAX_MEDIUM_CACHED_BYTES);
+ }
+ public static void terminate() {
+ }
+ public static void import_from_source(ThumbnailSource source, bool force = false)
+ throws Error {
+ debug("import from source: %s", source.to_string());
+ big._import_from_source(source, force);
+ medium._import_from_source(source, force);
+ }
+ public static void import_thumbnails(ThumbnailSource source, Thumbnails thumbnails,
+ bool force = false) throws Error {
+ big._import_thumbnail(source, thumbnails.get(Size.BIG), force);
+ medium._import_thumbnail(source, thumbnails.get(Size.MEDIUM), force);
+ }
+ public static void duplicate(ThumbnailSource src_source, ThumbnailSource dest_source) {
+ big._duplicate(src_source, dest_source);
+ medium._duplicate(src_source, dest_source);
+ }
+ public static void remove(ThumbnailSource source) {
+ big._remove(source);
+ medium._remove(source);
+ }
+ private static ThumbnailCache get_best_cache(int scale) {
+ Size size = Size.get_best_size(scale);
+ if (size == Size.BIG) {
+ return big;
+ } else {
+ assert(size == Size.MEDIUM);
+ return medium;
+ }
+ }
+ private static ThumbnailCache get_cache_for(Size size) {
+ switch (size) {
+ case Size.BIG:
+ return big;
+ case Size.MEDIUM:
+ return medium;
+ default:
+ error("Unknown thumbnail size %d", size.get_scale());
+ }
+ }
+ public static Gdk.Pixbuf fetch(ThumbnailSource source, int scale) throws Error {
+ return get_best_cache(scale)._fetch(source);
+ }
+ public static void fetch_async(ThumbnailSource source, int scale, AsyncFetchCallback callback,
+ Cancellable? cancellable = null) {
+ get_best_cache(scale)._fetch_async(source, source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format(),
+ Dimensions(), DEFAULT_INTERP, callback, cancellable);
+ }
+ public static void fetch_async_scaled(ThumbnailSource source, int scale, Dimensions dim,
+ Gdk.InterpType interp, AsyncFetchCallback callback, Cancellable? cancellable = null) {
+ get_best_cache(scale)._fetch_async(source,
+ source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format(), dim, interp, callback, cancellable);
+ }
+ public static void replace(ThumbnailSource source, Size size, Gdk.Pixbuf replacement)
+ throws Error {
+ get_cache_for(size)._replace(source, replacement);
+ }
+ public static bool exists(ThumbnailSource source) {
+ return big._exists(source) && medium._exists(source);
+ }
+ public static void rotate(ThumbnailSource source, Rotation rotation) throws Error {
+ foreach (Size size in ALL_SIZES) {
+ Gdk.Pixbuf thumbnail = fetch(source, size);
+ thumbnail = rotation.perform(thumbnail);
+ replace(source, size, thumbnail);
+ }
+ }
+ // This does not add the thumbnails to the ThumbnailCache, merely generates them for the
+ // supplied image file.
+ public static void generate_for_photo(Thumbnails thumbnails, PhotoFileReader reader,
+ Orientation orientation, Dimensions original_dim) throws Error {
+ // Taking advantage of Size's values matching their pixel size
+ Size max_size = Size.BIG * 2;
+ Dimensions dim = max_size.get_scaling().get_scaled_dimensions(original_dim);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf? largest_thumbnail = null;
+ try {
+ largest_thumbnail = reader.scaled_read(original_dim, dim);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ // if the scaled read generated an error, catch it and try to do an unscaled read
+ // followed by a downsample. If the call to unscaled_read() below throws an error,
+ // just propagate it up to the caller
+ largest_thumbnail = reader.unscaled_read();
+ }
+ largest_thumbnail = orientation.rotate_pixbuf(largest_thumbnail);
+ Dimensions largest_thumb_dimensions = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(largest_thumbnail);
+ foreach (Size size in ALL_SIZES) {
+ dim = size.get_scaling().get_scaled_dimensions(largest_thumb_dimensions);
+ thumbnails.set(size, largest_thumbnail.scale_simple(dim.width, dim.height, Gdk.InterpType.HYPER));
+ }
+ }
+ public static void generate_for_video_frame(Thumbnails thumbnails, Gdk.Pixbuf preview_frame) {
+ foreach (Size size in ALL_SIZES) {
+ Scaling current_scaling = size.get_scaling();
+ Gdk.Pixbuf current_thumbnail = current_scaling.perform_on_pixbuf(preview_frame,
+ Gdk.InterpType.HYPER, true);
+ thumbnails.set(size, current_thumbnail);
+ }
+ }
+ // Displaying a debug message for each thumbnail loaded and dropped can cause a ton of messages
+ // and slow down scrolling operations ... this delays reporting them, and only then reporting
+ // them in one aggregate sum
+ private static void schedule_debug() {
+ debug_scheduler.priority_after_timeout(Priority.LOW, 500, true);
+ }
+ private static void report_cycle() {
+ if (cycle_fetched_thumbnails > 0) {
+ debug("%d thumbnails fetched into memory", cycle_fetched_thumbnails);
+ cycle_fetched_thumbnails = 0;
+ }
+ if (cycle_async_fetched_thumbnails > 0) {
+ debug("%d thumbnails fetched async into memory", cycle_async_fetched_thumbnails);
+ cycle_async_fetched_thumbnails = 0;
+ }
+ if (cycle_async_resized_thumbnails > 0) {
+ debug("%d thumbnails resized async into memory", cycle_async_resized_thumbnails);
+ cycle_async_resized_thumbnails = 0;
+ }
+ if (cycle_overflow_thumbnails > 0) {
+ debug("%d thumbnails overflowed from memory cache", cycle_overflow_thumbnails);
+ cycle_overflow_thumbnails = 0;
+ }
+ if (cycle_dropped_bytes > 0) {
+ debug("%lu bytes freed", cycle_dropped_bytes);
+ cycle_dropped_bytes = 0;
+ }
+ foreach (Size size in ALL_SIZES) {
+ ThumbnailCache cache = get_cache_for(size);
+ ulong avg = (cache.cache_lru.size != 0) ? cache.cached_bytes / cache.cache_lru.size : 0;
+ debug("thumbnail cache %d: %d thumbnails, %lu/%lu bytes, %lu bytes/thumbnail",
+ cache.size.get_scale(), cache.cache_lru.size, cache.cached_bytes,
+ cache.max_cached_bytes, avg);
+ }
+ }
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf _fetch(ThumbnailSource source) throws Error {
+ // use JPEG in memory cache if available
+ Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = fetch_from_memory(source.get_source_id());
+ if (pixbuf != null)
+ return pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = read_pixbuf(source.get_source_id(), source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format());
+ cycle_fetched_thumbnails++;
+ schedule_debug();
+ // stash in memory for next time
+ store_in_memory(source.get_source_id(), pixbuf);
+ return pixbuf;
+ }
+ private void _fetch_async(ThumbnailSource source, PhotoFileFormat format, Dimensions dim,
+ Gdk.InterpType interp, AsyncFetchCallback callback, Cancellable? cancellable) {
+ // check if the pixbuf is already in memory
+ string thumbnail_name = source.get_source_id();
+ Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = fetch_from_memory(thumbnail_name);
+ if (pixbuf != null && (!dim.has_area() || Dimensions.for_pixbuf(pixbuf).equals(dim))) {
+ // if no scaling operation required, callback in this context and done (otherwise,
+ // let the background threads perform the scaling operation, to spread out the work)
+ callback(pixbuf, pixbuf, dim, interp, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Note that there exists a cache condition in this current implementation. It's
+ // possible for two requests for the same thumbnail to come in back-to-back. Since there's
+ // no "reservation" system to indicate that an outstanding job is fetching that thumbnail
+ // (and the other should wait until it's done), two (or more) fetches could occur on the
+ // same thumbnail file.
+ //
+ // Due to the design of Shotwell, with one thumbnail per page, this is seen as an unlikely
+ // situation. This may change in the future, and the caching situation will need to be
+ // handled.
+ fetch_workers.enqueue(new AsyncFetchJob(this, thumbnail_name, source, pixbuf, dim,
+ interp, callback, cancellable));
+ }
+ // Called within Gtk.main's thread context
+ private static void async_fetch_completion_callback(BackgroundJob background_job) {
+ AsyncFetchJob job = (AsyncFetchJob) background_job;
+ if (job.unscaled != null) {
+ if (job.fetched) {
+ // only store in cache if fetched, not pre-fetched
+ job.cache.store_in_memory(job.thumbnail_name, job.unscaled);
+ cycle_async_fetched_thumbnails++;
+ schedule_debug();
+ } else {
+ cycle_async_resized_thumbnails++;
+ schedule_debug();
+ }
+ }
+ job.callback(job.scaled, job.unscaled, job.dim, job.interp, job.err);
+ }
+ private void _import_from_source(ThumbnailSource source, bool force = false)
+ throws Error {
+ File file = get_source_cached_file(source);
+ // if not forcing the cache operation, check if file exists and is represented in the
+ // database before continuing
+ if (!force) {
+ if (_exists(source))
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // wipe from system and continue
+ _remove(source);
+ }
+ LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) source;
+ save_thumbnail(file, photo.get_pixbuf(Scaling.for_best_fit(size.get_scale(), true)), source);
+ // See note in _import_with_pixbuf for reason why this is not maintained in in-memory
+ // cache
+ }
+ private void _import_thumbnail(ThumbnailSource source, Gdk.Pixbuf? scaled, bool force = false)
+ throws Error {
+ assert(scaled != null);
+ assert(Dimensions.for_pixbuf(scaled).approx_scaled(size.get_scale()));
+ // if not forcing the cache operation, check if file exists and is represented in the
+ // database before continuing
+ if (!force) {
+ if (_exists(source))
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // wipe previous from system and continue
+ _remove(source);
+ }
+ save_thumbnail(get_source_cached_file(source), scaled, source);
+ // do NOT store in the in-memory cache ... if a lot of photos are being imported at
+ // once, this will blow cache locality, especially when the user is viewing one portion
+ // of the collection while new photos are added far off the viewport
+ }
+ private void _duplicate(ThumbnailSource src_source, ThumbnailSource dest_source) {
+ File src_file = get_source_cached_file(src_source);
+ File dest_file = get_cached_file(dest_source.get_representative_id(),
+ src_source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format());
+ try {
+ src_file.copy(dest_file, FileCopyFlags.ALL_METADATA | FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE, null, null);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.panic("%s".printf(err.message));
+ }
+ // Do NOT store in memory cache, for similar reasons as stated in _import().
+ }
+ private void _replace(ThumbnailSource source, Gdk.Pixbuf original) throws Error {
+ File file = get_source_cached_file(source);
+ // Remove from in-memory cache, if present
+ remove_from_memory(source.get_source_id());
+ // scale to cache's parameters
+ Gdk.Pixbuf scaled = scale_pixbuf(original, size.get_scale(), interp, true);
+ // save scaled image to disk
+ save_thumbnail(file, scaled, source);
+ // Store in in-memory cache; a _replace() probably represents a user-initiated
+ // action (<cough>rotate</cough>) and the thumbnail will probably be fetched immediately.
+ // This means the thumbnail will be cached in scales that aren't immediately needed, but
+ // the benefit seems to outweigh the side-effects
+ store_in_memory(source.get_source_id(), scaled);
+ }
+ private void _remove(ThumbnailSource source) {
+ File file = get_source_cached_file(source);
+ // remove from in-memory cache
+ remove_from_memory(source.get_source_id());
+ // remove from disk
+ try {
+ file.delete(null);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ // ignored
+ }
+ }
+ private bool _exists(ThumbnailSource source) {
+ return get_source_cached_file(source).query_exists(null);
+ }
+ // This method is thread-safe.
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf read_pixbuf(string thumbnail_name, PhotoFileFormat format) throws Error {
+ return format.create_reader(get_cached_file(thumbnail_name,
+ format).get_path()).unscaled_read();
+ }
+ private File get_source_cached_file(ThumbnailSource source) {
+ return get_cached_file(source.get_representative_id(),
+ source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format());
+ }
+ private File get_cached_file(string thumbnail_name, PhotoFileFormat thumbnail_format) {
+ return cache_dir.get_child(thumbnail_format.get_default_basename(thumbnail_name));
+ }
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf? fetch_from_memory(string thumbnail_name) {
+ ImageData data = cache_map.get(thumbnail_name);
+ return (data != null) ? data.pixbuf : null;
+ }
+ private void store_in_memory(string thumbnail_name, Gdk.Pixbuf thumbnail) {
+ if (max_cached_bytes <= 0)
+ return;
+ remove_from_memory(thumbnail_name);
+ ImageData data = new ImageData(thumbnail);
+ // see if this is too large to keep in memory
+ if(data.bytes > MAX_INMEMORY_DATA_SIZE) {
+ debug("Persistent thumbnail [%s] too large to cache in memory", thumbnail_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ cache_map.set(thumbnail_name, data);
+ cache_lru.insert(0, thumbnail_name);
+ cached_bytes += data.bytes;
+ // trim cache
+ while (cached_bytes > max_cached_bytes) {
+ assert(cache_lru.size > 0);
+ int index = cache_lru.size - 1;
+ string victim_name = cache_lru.get(index);
+ cache_lru.remove_at(index);
+ data = cache_map.get(victim_name);
+ cycle_overflow_thumbnails++;
+ schedule_debug();
+ bool removed = cache_map.unset(victim_name);
+ assert(removed);
+ assert(data.bytes <= cached_bytes);
+ cached_bytes -= data.bytes;
+ }
+ }
+ private bool remove_from_memory(string thumbnail_name) {
+ ImageData data = cache_map.get(thumbnail_name);
+ if (data == null)
+ return false;
+ assert(cached_bytes >= data.bytes);
+ cached_bytes -= data.bytes;
+ // remove data from in-memory cache
+ bool removed = cache_map.unset(thumbnail_name);
+ assert(removed);
+ // remove from LRU
+ removed = cache_lru.remove(thumbnail_name);
+ assert(removed);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void save_thumbnail(File file, Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, ThumbnailSource source) throws Error {
+ source.get_preferred_thumbnail_format().create_writer(file.get_path()).write(pixbuf,
+ }