path: root/xsd/dist/etc/vc-1x.0/xsd-cxx-parser.xml
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-23 15:25:44 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-23 15:25:44 +0200
commit8286ac511144e4f17d34eac9affb97e50646344a (patch)
treef1af7320d7b6be6be059216d0ad08ac7b4f73fd0 /xsd/dist/etc/vc-1x.0/xsd-cxx-parser.xml
parenta15cf65c44d5c224169c32ef5495b68c758134b7 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 4.0.0upstream/4.0.0
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd/dist/etc/vc-1x.0/xsd-cxx-parser.xml')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xsd/dist/etc/vc-1x.0/xsd-cxx-parser.xml b/xsd/dist/etc/vc-1x.0/xsd-cxx-parser.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37202c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/dist/etc/vc-1x.0/xsd-cxx-parser.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<ProjectSchemaDefinitions xmlns="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Build.Framework.XamlTypes;assembly=Microsoft.Build.Framework" xmlns:x="" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:transformCallback="Microsoft.Cpp.Dev10.ConvertPropertyCallback">
+ <Rule
+ Name="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule"
+ PageTemplate="tool"
+ DisplayName="C++/Parser Mapping"
+ Order="200">
+ <Rule.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule" />
+ </Rule.DataSource>
+ <Rule.Categories>
+ <Category
+ Name="General">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>General</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ <Category
+ Name="Command Line"
+ Subtype="CommandLine">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Command Line</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ </Rule.Categories>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Inputs"
+ Category="Command Line"
+ IsRequired="true"
+ Switch=" ">
+ <StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule"
+ SourceType="Item" />
+ </StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringListProperty>
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="ProprietaryLicense"
+ Subcategory="Licensing"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Proprietary License"
+ Description="Indicate that the generated code is licensed under a proprietary license instead of the GPL."
+ Switch="--proprietary-license" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="GenInline"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Generate Inline"
+ Description="Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation of the inline file."
+ Switch="--generate-inline" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="GenValidation"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Generate Validation Code"
+ Description="Generate validation code which ensures that instance documents conform to the schema. This is the default for the Expat XML parser."
+ Switch="--generate-validation" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="SupValidation"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Suppress Validation Code"
+ Description="Suppress generation of validation code. This is the default for the Xerces-C++ XML parser."
+ Switch="--suppress-validation" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="GenPolymorphic"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Generate Polymorphic"
+ Description="Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use substitution groups or xsi:type."
+ Switch="--generate-polymorphic" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="OutDir"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Output Directory"
+ Description="Output directory for the generated files"
+ Switch="--output-dir &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="HeaderSuffix"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="C++ Header Suffix "
+ Description="Generated C++ header file suffix"
+ Switch="--hxx-suffix &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="SourceSuffix"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="C++ Source Suffix"
+ Description="Generated C++ source file suffix"
+ Switch="--cxx-suffix &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="InlineSuffix"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="C++ Inline Suffix"
+ Description="Generated C++ inline file suffix"
+ Switch="--ixx-suffix &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="SkelFileSuffix"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Parser Skeleton File Suffix"
+ Description="Use the provided suffix to construct the names of generated parser skeleton file."
+ Switch="--skel-file-suffix &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="NamespaceMap"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Namespace Map"
+ Description="Map XML Schema namespaces to C++ namespaces by specifying a semicolon-separated list of mapping rules in the form &lt;xml-ns&gt;=&lt;cxx-ns&gt; where &lt;xml-ns&gt; stands for an XML Schema namespace and &lt;cxx-ns&gt; - for a C++ namespace."
+ Switch="--namespace-map &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="TypeMap"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Type Map"
+ Description="Specify type map files as a semicolon-separated list."
+ Switch="--type-map &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="SkelTypeSuffix"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Parser Skeleton Type Suffix"
+ Description="Use the provided suffix to construct the names of generated parser skeletons."
+ Switch="--skel-type-suffix &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="ExportSymbol"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Export Symbol"
+ Description="Insert the specified symbol in places where DLL export/import control statements (__declspec(dllexport/dllimport)) are necessary."
+ Switch="--export-symbol &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="HxxPrologue"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Header Prologue File"
+ Description="Insert the contents of the file specified at the beginning of the header file."
+ Switch="--hxx-prologue-file &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="HxxEpilogue"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Header Epilogue File"
+ Description="Insert the contents of the file specified at the end of the header file."
+ Switch="--hxx-epilogue-file &quot;[value]&quot;" />
+ <EnumProperty
+ Name="CharType"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Char Type"
+ Description="Character type to be used in the generated code.">
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="0"
+ DisplayName="char" />
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="1"
+ DisplayName="wchar_t"
+ Switch="--char-type wchar_t" />
+ </EnumProperty>
+ <EnumProperty
+ Name="CharEncoding"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Char Encoding"
+ Description="Character encoding to be used bu the generated code.">
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="0"
+ DisplayName="UTF-8 (char)/UTF-16 (wchar_t)" />
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="1"
+ DisplayName="ISO-8859-1"
+ Switch="--char-encoding iso8859-1" />
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="2"
+ DisplayName="Xerces-C++ local code page"
+ Switch="--char-encoding lcp" />
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="3"
+ DisplayName="Custom encoding"
+ Switch="--char-encoding custom" />
+ </EnumProperty>
+ <EnumProperty
+ Name="XMLParser"
+ Category="Code Generation"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Underlying XML Parser"
+ Description="Use the specified parser as the underlying XML parser.">
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="0"
+ DisplayName="xerces" />
+ <EnumValue
+ Name="1"
+ DisplayName="expat"
+ Switch="--xml-parser expat" />
+ </EnumProperty>
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="CommandLineTemplate"
+ DisplayName="Command Line"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="CXX_Parser_Mapping_RuleBeforeTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute Before</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^CXX_Parser_Mapping_RuleBeforeTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="CXX_Parser_Mapping_RuleAfterTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute After</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^CXX_Parser_Mapping_RuleAfterTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType=""
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="ExecutionDescription"
+ DisplayName="Execution Description"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="AdditionalDependencies"
+ DisplayName="Additional Dependencies"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False"
+ Visible="true" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Subtype="AdditionalOptions"
+ Name="AdditionalOptions"
+ Category="Command Line">
+ <StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <StringProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.Description>
+ </StringProperty>
+ </Rule>
+ <ItemType
+ Name="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule"
+ DisplayName="C++/Parser Mapping" />
+ <FileExtension
+ Name="*.xsd"
+ ContentType="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule" />
+ <ContentType
+ Name="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule"
+ DisplayName="C++/Parser Mapping"
+ ItemType="CXX_Parser_Mapping_Rule" />