path: root/app/bin/cdraw.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/bin/cdraw.c')
1 files changed, 1245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/bin/cdraw.c b/app/bin/cdraw.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e45b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/bin/cdraw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+/** \file cdraw.c
+ * Drawing of geometric elements
+ */
+/* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "track.h"
+#include "ccurve.h"
+#include "drawgeom.h"
+#include "i18n.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+extern void wSetSelectedFontSize(int size);
+static long fontSizeList[] = {
+ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36,
+ 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180,
+ 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 };
+EXPORT void LoadFontSizeList(
+ wList_p list,
+ long curFontSize )
+ wIndex_t curInx=0, inx1;
+ int inx;
+ wListClear( list );
+ for ( inx=0; inx<sizeof fontSizeList/sizeof fontSizeList[0]; inx++ ) {
+ if ( ( inx==0 || curFontSize > fontSizeList[inx-1] ) &&
+ ( curFontSize < fontSizeList[inx] ) ) {
+ sprintf( message, "%ld", curFontSize );
+ curInx = wListAddValue( list, message, NULL, (void*)curFontSize );
+ }
+ sprintf( message, "%ld", fontSizeList[inx] );
+ inx1 = wListAddValue( list, message, NULL, (void*)fontSizeList[inx] );
+ if ( curFontSize == fontSizeList[inx] )
+ curInx = inx1;
+ }
+ if ( curFontSize > fontSizeList[(sizeof fontSizeList/sizeof fontSizeList[0])-1] ) {
+ sprintf( message, "%ld", curFontSize );
+ curInx = wListAddValue( list, message, NULL, (void*)curFontSize );
+ }
+ wListSetIndex( list, curInx );
+ wFlush();
+EXPORT void UpdateFontSizeList(
+ long * fontSizeR,
+ wList_p list,
+ wIndex_t listInx )
+ long fontSize;
+ if ( listInx >= 0 ) {
+ *fontSizeR = (long)wListGetItemContext( list, listInx );
+ } else {
+ wListGetValues( list, message, sizeof message, NULL, NULL );
+ if ( message[0] != '\0' ) {
+ fontSize = atol( message );
+ if ( fontSize <= 0 ) {
+ NoticeMessage( _("Font Size must be > 0"), _("Ok"), NULL );
+ sprintf( message, "%ld", *fontSizeR );
+ wListSetValue( list, message );
+ } else {
+ if ( fontSize <= 500 || NoticeMessage( MSG_LARGE_FONT, _("Yes"), _("No") ) > 0 ) {
+ *fontSizeR = fontSize;
+ /* inform gtkfont dialog from change */
+ wSetSelectedFontSize((int)fontSize);
+ /*LoadFontSizeList( list, *fontSizeR );*/
+ } else {
+ sprintf( message, "%ld", *fontSizeR );
+ wListSetValue( list, message );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * DRAW
+ *
+ */
+struct extraData {
+ coOrd orig;
+ ANGLE_T angle;
+ wIndex_t segCnt;
+ trkSeg_t segs[1];
+ };
+static TRKTYP_T T_DRAW = -1;
+static track_p ignoredTableEdge;
+static track_p ignoredDraw;
+static void ComputeDrawBoundingBox( track_p t )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(t);
+ coOrd lo, hi;
+ GetSegBounds( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, &lo, &hi );
+ hi.x += lo.x;
+ hi.y += lo.y;
+ SetBoundingBox( t, hi, lo );
+static track_p MakeDrawFromSeg1(
+ wIndex_t index,
+ coOrd pos,
+ ANGLE_T angle,
+ trkSeg_p sp )
+ struct extraData * xx;
+ track_p trk;
+ if ( sp->type == ' ' )
+ return NULL;
+ trk = NewTrack( index, T_DRAW, 0, sizeof *xx );
+ xx = GetTrkExtraData( trk );
+ xx->orig = pos;
+ xx->angle = angle;
+ xx->segCnt = 1;
+ memcpy( xx->segs, sp, sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 );
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+ return trk;
+EXPORT track_p MakeDrawFromSeg(
+ coOrd pos,
+ ANGLE_T angle,
+ trkSeg_p sp )
+ return MakeDrawFromSeg1( 0, pos, angle, sp );
+static DIST_T DistanceDraw( track_p t, coOrd * p )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(t);
+ if ( ignoredTableEdge == t && xx->segs[0].type == SEG_TBLEDGE )
+ return 100000.0;
+ if ( ignoredDraw == t )
+ return 100000.0;
+ return DistanceSegs( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, p, NULL );
+static struct {
+ coOrd endPt[2];
+ FLOAT_T length;
+ coOrd center;
+ DIST_T radius;
+ ANGLE_T angle0;
+ ANGLE_T angle1;
+ ANGLE_T angle;
+ long pointCount;
+ long lineWidth;
+ wDrawColor color;
+ wIndex_t benchChoice;
+ wIndex_t benchOrient;
+ wIndex_t dimenSize;
+ descPivot_t pivot;
+ wIndex_t fontSizeInx;
+ char text[STR_SIZE];
+ LAYER_T layer;
+ } drawData;
+typedef enum { E0, E1, CE, RA, LN, AL, A1, A2, VC, LW, CO, BE, OR, DS, TP, TA, TS, TX, PV, LY } drawDesc_e;
+static descData_t drawDesc[] = {
+/*E0*/ { DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 1: X"), &drawData.endPt[0] },
+/*E1*/ { DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 2: X"), &drawData.endPt[1] },
+/*CE*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Center: X"), & },
+/*RA*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Radius"), &drawData.radius },
+/*LN*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Length"), &drawData.length },
+/*AL*/ { DESC_FLOAT, N_("Angle"), &drawData.angle },
+/*A1*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("CCW Angle"), &drawData.angle0 },
+/*A2*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("CW Angle"), &drawData.angle1 },
+/*VC*/ { DESC_LONG, N_("Point Count"), &drawData.pointCount },
+/*LW*/ { DESC_LONG, N_("Line Width"), &drawData.lineWidth },
+/*CO*/ { DESC_COLOR, N_("Color"), &drawData.color },
+/*BE*/ { DESC_LIST, N_("Lumber"), &drawData.benchChoice },
+/*OR*/ { DESC_LIST, N_("Orientation"), &drawData.benchOrient },
+/*DS*/ { DESC_LIST, N_("Size"), &drawData.dimenSize },
+/*TP*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Origin: X"), &drawData.endPt[0] },
+/*TA*/ { DESC_FLOAT, N_("Angle"), &drawData.angle },
+/*TS*/ { DESC_EDITABLELIST, N_("Font Size"), &drawData.fontSizeInx },
+/*TX*/ { DESC_STRING, N_("Text"), &drawData.text },
+/*PV*/ { DESC_PIVOT, N_("Pivot"), &drawData.pivot },
+/*LY*/ { DESC_LAYER, N_("Layer"), &drawData.layer },
+ { DESC_NULL } };
+int drawSegInx;
+#define UNREORIGIN( Q, P, A, O ) { \
+ (Q) = (P); \
+ (Q).x -= (O).x; \
+ (Q).y -= (O).y; \
+ if ( (A) != 0.0 ) \
+ Rotate( &(Q), zero, -(A) ); \
+ }
+static void UpdateDraw( track_p trk, int inx, descData_p descUpd, BOOL_T final )
+ struct extraData *xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ trkSeg_p segPtr;
+ coOrd mid;
+ const char * text;
+ long fontSize;
+ if ( drawSegInx==-1 )
+ return;
+ if ( inx == -1 )
+ return;
+ segPtr = &xx->segs[drawSegInx];
+ MainRedraw();
+ //UndrawNewTrack( trk );
+ switch ( inx ) {
+ case LW:
+ segPtr->width = drawData.lineWidth/mainD.dpi;
+ break;
+ case CO:
+ segPtr->color = drawData.color;
+ break;
+ case E0:
+ case E1:
+ if ( inx == E0 ) {
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.l.pos[0], drawData.endPt[0], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ } else {
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.l.pos[1], drawData.endPt[1], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ }
+ drawData.length = FindDistance( drawData.endPt[0], drawData.endPt[1] );
+ drawData.angle = FindAngle( drawData.endPt[0], drawData.endPt[1] );
+ drawDesc[LN].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ drawDesc[AL].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ case LN:
+ case AL:
+ if ( segPtr->type == SEG_CRVLIN && inx == AL ) {
+ if ( drawData.angle <= 0.0 || drawData.angle >= 360.0 ) {
+ ErrorMessage( MSG_CURVE_OUT_OF_RANGE );
+ drawData.angle = segPtr->u.c.a1;
+ drawDesc[AL].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( drawData.length <= minLength ) {
+ ErrorMessage( MSG_OBJECT_TOO_SHORT );
+ if ( segPtr->type != SEG_CRVLIN ) {
+ drawData.length = FindDistance( drawData.endPt[0], drawData.endPt[1] );
+ } else {
+ drawData.length = segPtr->u.c.radius*2*M_PI*segPtr->u.c.a1/360.0;
+ }
+ drawDesc[LN].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( segPtr->type != SEG_CRVLIN ) {
+ switch ( drawData.pivot ) {
+ Translate( &drawData.endPt[1], drawData.endPt[0], drawData.angle, drawData.length );
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.l.pos[1], drawData.endPt[1], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ drawDesc[E1].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ Translate( &drawData.endPt[0], drawData.endPt[1], drawData.angle+180.0, drawData.length );
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.l.pos[0], drawData.endPt[0], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ drawDesc[E0].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ mid.x = (drawData.endPt[0].x+drawData.endPt[1].x)/2.0;
+ mid.y = (drawData.endPt[0].y+drawData.endPt[1].y)/2.0;
+ Translate( &drawData.endPt[0], mid, drawData.angle+180.0, drawData.length/2.0 );
+ Translate( &drawData.endPt[1], mid, drawData.angle, drawData.length/2.0 );
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.l.pos[0], drawData.endPt[0], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.l.pos[1], drawData.endPt[1], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ drawDesc[E0].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ drawDesc[E1].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( drawData.angle < 0.0 || drawData.angle >= 360.0 ) {
+ ErrorMessage( MSG_CURVE_OUT_OF_RANGE );
+ drawData.angle = segPtr->u.c.a1;
+ drawDesc[AL].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ } else {
+ segPtr->u.c.a0 = NormalizeAngle( segPtr->u.c.a0+segPtr->u.c.a1/2.0-drawData.angle/2.0);
+ segPtr->u.c.a1 = drawData.angle;
+ drawData.angle0 = NormalizeAngle( segPtr->u.c.a0+xx->angle );
+ drawData.angle1 = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle0+segPtr->u.c.a1 );
+ drawDesc[A1].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ drawDesc[A2].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CE:
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->,, xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ break;
+ case RA:
+ segPtr->u.c.radius = drawData.radius;
+ break;
+ case A1:
+ segPtr->u.c.a0 = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle0-xx->angle );
+ drawData.angle1 = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle0+drawData.angle );
+ drawDesc[A2].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ case A2:
+ segPtr->u.c.a0 = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle1-segPtr->u.c.a1-xx->angle );
+ drawData.angle0 = NormalizeAngle( segPtr->u.c.a0+xx->angle );
+ drawDesc[A1].mode |= DESC_CHANGE;
+ break;
+ case BE:
+ BenchUpdateOrientationList( (long)wListGetItemContext((wList_p)drawDesc[BE].control0, drawData.benchChoice ), (wList_p)drawDesc[OR].control0 );
+ if ( drawData.benchOrient < wListGetCount( (wList_p)drawDesc[OR].control0 ) )
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawDesc[OR].control0, drawData.benchOrient );
+ else
+ drawData.benchOrient = 0;
+ segPtr->u.l.option = GetBenchData( (long)wListGetItemContext((wList_p)drawDesc[BE].control0, drawData.benchChoice ), drawData.benchOrient );
+ break;
+ case OR:
+ segPtr->u.l.option = GetBenchData( (long)wListGetItemContext((wList_p)drawDesc[BE].control0, drawData.benchChoice ), drawData.benchOrient );
+ break;
+ case DS:
+ segPtr->u.l.option = drawData.dimenSize;
+ break;
+ case TP:
+ UNREORIGIN( segPtr->u.t.pos, drawData.endPt[0], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ break;
+ case TA:
+ //segPtr->u.t.angle = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle );
+ xx->angle = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle );
+ break;
+ case TS:
+ fontSize = (long)segPtr->u.t.fontSize;
+ UpdateFontSizeList( &fontSize, (wList_p)drawDesc[TS].control0, drawData.fontSizeInx );
+ segPtr->u.t.fontSize = fontSize;
+ break;
+ case TX:
+ text = wStringGetValue( (wString_p)drawDesc[TX].control0 );
+ if ( text && text[0] && strcmp( segPtr->u.t.string, text ) != 0 ) {
+ MyFree( segPtr->u.t.string );
+ segPtr->u.t.string = MyStrdup( text );
+ /*(char*)drawDesc[TX].valueP = segPtr->u.t.string;*/
+ }
+ break;
+ case LY:
+ SetTrkLayer( trk, drawData.layer);
+ break;
+ default:
+ AbortProg( "bad op" );
+ }
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+ DrawNewTrack( trk );
+static void DescribeDraw( track_p trk, char * str, CSIZE_T len )
+ struct extraData *xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ coOrd pos = oldMarker;
+ trkSeg_p segPtr;
+ int inx;
+ char * title = NULL;
+ DistanceSegs( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, &pos, &drawSegInx );
+ if ( drawSegInx==-1 )
+ return;
+ segPtr = &xx->segs[drawSegInx];
+ for ( inx=0; inx<sizeof drawDesc/sizeof drawDesc[0]; inx++ ) {
+ drawDesc[inx].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ drawDesc[inx].control0 = NULL;
+ }
+ drawData.color = segPtr->color;
+ drawDesc[CO].mode = 0;
+ drawData.lineWidth = (long)floor(segPtr->width*mainD.dpi+0.5);
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = 0;
+ drawDesc[LY].mode = DESC_NOREDRAW;
+ drawDesc[BE].mode =
+ drawDesc[OR].mode =
+ drawDesc[DS].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ drawData.pivot = DESC_PIVOT_MID;
+ switch ( segPtr->type ) {
+ case SEG_STRLIN:
+ case SEG_DIMLIN:
+ case SEG_BENCH:
+ REORIGIN( drawData.endPt[0], segPtr->u.l.pos[0], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ REORIGIN( drawData.endPt[1], segPtr->u.l.pos[1], xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ drawData.length = FindDistance( drawData.endPt[0], drawData.endPt[1] );
+ drawData.angle = FindAngle( drawData.endPt[0], drawData.endPt[1] );
+ drawDesc[LN].mode =
+ drawDesc[AL].mode =
+ drawDesc[PV].mode = 0;
+ drawDesc[E0].mode =
+ drawDesc[E1].mode = 0;
+ switch (segPtr->type) {
+ case SEG_STRLIN:
+ title = _("Straight Line");
+ break;
+ case SEG_DIMLIN:
+ title = _("Dimension Line");
+ drawDesc[CO].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ drawData.dimenSize = (wIndex_t)segPtr->u.l.option;
+ drawDesc[DS].mode = 0;
+ break;
+ case SEG_BENCH:
+ title = _("Lumber");
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ drawDesc[BE].mode =
+ drawDesc[OR].mode = 0;
+ drawData.benchChoice = GetBenchListIndex( segPtr->u.l.option );
+ drawData.benchOrient = (wIndex_t)(segPtr->u.l.option&0xFF);
+ break;
+ title = _("Table Edge");
+ drawDesc[CO].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SEG_CRVLIN:
+ REORIGIN(, segPtr->, xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ drawData.radius = segPtr->u.c.radius;
+ drawDesc[CE].mode =
+ drawDesc[RA].mode = 0;
+ if ( segPtr->u.c.a1 >= 360.0 ) {
+ title = _("Circle");
+ } else {
+ drawData.angle = segPtr->u.c.a1;
+ drawData.angle0 = NormalizeAngle( segPtr->u.c.a0+xx->angle );
+ drawData.angle1 = NormalizeAngle( drawData.angle0+drawData.angle );
+ drawDesc[AL].mode =
+ drawDesc[A1].mode =
+ drawDesc[A2].mode = 0;
+ title = _("Curved Line");
+ }
+ break;
+ REORIGIN(, segPtr->, xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ drawData.radius = segPtr->u.c.radius;
+ drawDesc[CE].mode =
+ drawDesc[RA].mode = 0;
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ title = _("Filled Circle");
+ break;
+ case SEG_POLY:
+ drawData.pointCount = segPtr->u.p.cnt;
+ drawDesc[VC].mode = DESC_RO;
+ title = _("Poly Line");
+ break;
+ drawData.pointCount = segPtr->u.p.cnt;
+ drawDesc[VC].mode = DESC_RO;
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ title = _("Polygon");
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ REORIGIN( drawData.endPt[0], segPtr->u.t.pos, xx->angle, xx->orig );
+ //drawData.angle = NormalizeAngle( segPtr->u.t.angle );
+ drawData.angle = NormalizeAngle( xx->angle );
+ strncpy( drawData.text, segPtr->u.t.string, sizeof drawData.text );
+ /*drawData.fontSize = segPtr->u.t.fontSize;*/
+ /*(char*)drawDesc[TX].valueP = segPtr->u.t.string;*/
+ drawDesc[TP].mode =
+ drawDesc[TS].mode =
+ drawDesc[TX].mode =
+ drawDesc[TA].mode =
+ drawDesc[CO].mode = 0; /*Allow Text color setting*/
+ drawDesc[LW].mode = DESC_IGNORE;
+ title = _("Text");
+ break;
+ default:
+ AbortProg( "bad seg type" );
+ }
+ sprintf( str, _("%s: Layer=%d"), title, GetTrkLayer(trk)+1 );
+ DoDescribe( title, trk, drawDesc, UpdateDraw );
+ if ( segPtr->type==SEG_BENCH && drawDesc[BE].control0!=NULL && drawDesc[OR].control0!=NULL) {
+ BenchLoadLists( (wList_p)drawDesc[BE].control0, (wList_p)drawDesc[OR].control0 );
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawDesc[BE].control0, drawData.benchChoice );
+ BenchUpdateOrientationList( (long)wListGetItemContext((wList_p)drawDesc[BE].control0, drawData.benchChoice ), (wList_p)drawDesc[OR].control0 );
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawDesc[OR].control0, drawData.benchOrient );
+ }
+ if ( segPtr->type==SEG_DIMLIN && drawDesc[DS].control0!=NULL ) {
+ wListClear( (wList_p)drawDesc[DS].control0 );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDesc[DS].control0, _("Tiny"), NULL, (void*)0 );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDesc[DS].control0, _("Small"), NULL, (void*)1 );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDesc[DS].control0, _("Medium"), NULL, (void*)2 );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDesc[DS].control0, _("Large"), NULL, (void*)3 );
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawDesc[DS].control0, drawData.dimenSize );
+ }
+ if ( segPtr->type==SEG_TEXT && drawDesc[TS].control0!=NULL ) {
+ LoadFontSizeList( (wList_p)drawDesc[TS].control0, (long)segPtr->u.t.fontSize );
+ }
+static void DrawDraw( track_p t, drawCmd_p d, wDrawColor color )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(t);
+ if ( (d->options&DC_QUICK) == 0 )
+ DrawSegs( d, xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segs, xx->segCnt, 0.0, color );
+static void DeleteDraw( track_p t )
+static BOOL_T WriteDraw( track_p t, FILE * f )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(t);
+ BOOL_T rc = TRUE;
+ rc &= fprintf(f, "DRAW %d %d 0 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f 0 %0.6f\n", GetTrkIndex(t), GetTrkLayer(t),
+ xx->orig.x, xx->orig.y, xx->angle )>0;
+ rc &= WriteSegs( f, xx->segCnt, xx->segs );
+ return rc;
+static void ReadDraw( char * header )
+ track_p trk;
+ wIndex_t index;
+ coOrd orig;
+ DIST_T elev;
+ ANGLE_T angle;
+ wIndex_t layer;
+ struct extraData * xx;
+ if ( !GetArgs( header+5, paramVersion<3?"dXpYf":paramVersion<9?"dL000pYf":"dL000pff",
+ &index, &layer, &orig, &elev, &angle ) )
+ return;
+ ReadSegs();
+ if (tempSegs_da.cnt == 1) {
+ trk = MakeDrawFromSeg1( index, orig, angle, &tempSegs(0) );
+ SetTrkLayer( trk, layer );
+ } else {
+ trk = NewTrack( index, T_DRAW, 0, sizeof *xx + (tempSegs_da.cnt-1) * sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 );
+ SetTrkLayer( trk, layer );
+ xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ xx->orig = orig;
+ xx->angle = angle;
+ xx->segCnt = tempSegs_da.cnt;
+ memcpy( xx->segs, tempSegs_da.ptr, tempSegs_da.cnt * sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 );
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+ }
+static void MoveDraw( track_p trk, coOrd orig )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ xx->orig.x += orig.x;
+ xx->orig.y += orig.y;
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+static void RotateDraw( track_p trk, coOrd orig, ANGLE_T angle )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ Rotate( &xx->orig, orig, angle );
+ xx->angle = NormalizeAngle( xx->angle + angle );
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+static void RescaleDraw( track_p trk, FLOAT_T ratio )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ xx->orig.x *= ratio;
+ xx->orig.y *= ratio;
+ RescaleSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, ratio, ratio, ratio );
+static STATUS_T ModifyDraw( track_p trk, wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ STATUS_T rc;
+ if (action == C_DOWN) {
+ //UndrawNewTrack( trk );
+ }
+ if ( action == C_MOVE )
+ ignoredDraw = trk;
+ rc = DrawGeomModify( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, action, pos, GetTrkSelected(trk) );
+ ignoredDraw = NULL;
+ if (action == C_UP) {
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+ DrawNewTrack( trk );
+ }
+ return rc;
+static void UngroupDraw( track_p trk )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ int inx;
+ if ( xx->segCnt <= 1 )
+ return;
+ DeleteTrack( trk, FALSE );
+ for ( inx=0; inx<xx->segCnt; inx++ ) {
+ trk = MakeDrawFromSeg( xx->orig, xx->angle, &xx->segs[inx] );
+ if ( trk ) {
+ SetTrkBits( trk, TB_SELECTED );
+ DrawNewTrack( trk );
+ }
+ }
+static ANGLE_T GetAngleDraw(
+ track_p trk,
+ coOrd pos,
+ EPINX_T * ep0,
+ EPINX_T * ep1 )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ ANGLE_T angle;
+ pos.x -= xx->orig.x;
+ pos.y -= xx->orig.y;
+ Rotate( &pos, zero, -xx->angle );
+ angle = GetAngleSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, pos, NULL );
+ if ( ep0 ) *ep0 = -1;
+ if ( ep1 ) *ep1 = -1;
+ return NormalizeAngle( angle + xx->angle );
+static BOOL_T EnumerateDraw(
+ track_p trk )
+ struct extraData * xx;
+ int inx;
+ trkSeg_p segPtr;
+ if ( trk ) {
+ xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ if ( xx->segCnt < 1 )
+ return TRUE;
+ for ( inx=0; inx<xx->segCnt; inx++ ) {
+ segPtr = &xx->segs[inx];
+ if ( segPtr->type == SEG_BENCH ) {
+ CountBench( segPtr->u.l.option, FindDistance( segPtr->u.l.pos[0], segPtr->u.l.pos[1] ) );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ TotalBench();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void FlipDraw(
+ track_p trk,
+ coOrd orig,
+ ANGLE_T angle )
+ struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
+ FlipPoint( &xx->orig, orig, angle );
+ xx->angle = NormalizeAngle( 2*angle - xx->angle + 180.0 );
+ FlipSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, zero, angle );
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( trk );
+static trackCmd_t drawCmds = {
+ "DRAW",
+ DrawDraw,
+ DistanceDraw,
+ DescribeDraw,
+ DeleteDraw,
+ WriteDraw,
+ ReadDraw,
+ MoveDraw,
+ RotateDraw,
+ RescaleDraw,
+ GetAngleDraw, /* getAngle */
+ NULL, /* split */
+ NULL, /* traverse */
+ EnumerateDraw,
+ NULL, /* redraw */
+ NULL, /* trim */
+ NULL, /* merge */
+ ModifyDraw,
+ NULL, /* getLength */
+ NULL, /* getTrackParams */
+ NULL, /* moveEndPt */
+ NULL, /* query */
+ UngroupDraw,
+ FlipDraw };
+EXPORT BOOL_T OnTableEdgeEndPt( track_p trk, coOrd * pos )
+ track_p trk1;
+ struct extraData *xx;
+ coOrd pos1 = *pos;
+ ignoredTableEdge = trk;
+ if ((trk1 = OnTrack( &pos1, FALSE, FALSE )) != NULL &&
+ GetTrkType(trk1) == T_DRAW) {
+ ignoredTableEdge = NULL;
+ xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk1);
+ if (xx->segCnt < 1)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (xx->segs[0].type == SEG_TBLEDGE) {
+ if ( IsClose( FindDistance( *pos, xx->segs[0].u.l.pos[0] ) ) ) {
+ *pos = xx->segs[0].u.l.pos[0];
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if ( IsClose( FindDistance( *pos, xx->segs[0].u.l.pos[1] ) ) ) {
+ *pos = xx->segs[0].u.l.pos[1];
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ignoredTableEdge = NULL;
+ return FALSE;
+static void DrawRedraw(void);
+static drawContext_t drawCmdContext = {
+ InfoMessage,
+ DrawRedraw,
+ &mainD,
+ OP_LINE };
+static void DrawRedraw( void )
+ MainRedraw();
+#ifdef LATER
+static void DrawOk( void * context )
+ track_p t;
+ struct extraData * xx;
+ trkSeg_p sp;
+ wIndex_t cnt;
+ for ( cnt=0,sp=&DrawLineSegs(0); sp < &DrawLineSegs(drawCmdContext.Segs_da.cnt); sp++ )
+ if (sp->type != ' ')
+ cnt++;
+ if (cnt == 0)
+ return;
+ UndoStart( _("Create Lines"), "newDraw" );
+ for ( sp=&DrawLineSegs(0); sp < &DrawLineSegs(drawCmdContext.Segs_da.cnt); sp++ ) {
+ if (sp->type != ' ') {
+ t = NewTrack( 0, T_DRAW, 0, sizeof *xx + sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 );
+ xx = GetTrkExtraData( t );
+ xx->orig = zero;
+ xx->angle = 0.0;
+ xx->segCnt = 1;
+ memcpy( xx->segs, sp, sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 );
+ ComputeDrawBoundingBox( t );
+ DrawNewTrack(t);
+ }
+ }
+ UndoEnd();
+ DYNARR_RESET( trkSeg_t, drawCmdContext.Segs_da );
+ Reset();
+static wIndex_t benchChoice;
+static wIndex_t benchOrient;
+static wIndex_t dimArrowSize;
+static wDrawColor lineColor;
+static wDrawColor benchColor;
+#ifdef LATER
+static wIndex_t benchInx;
+static paramIntegerRange_t i0_100 = { 0, 100, 25 };
+static paramData_t drawPLs[] = {
+#define drawWidthPD (drawPLs[0])
+ { PD_LONG, &drawCmdContext.Width, "linewidth", PDO_NORECORD, &i0_100, N_("Line Width") },
+#define drawColorPD (drawPLs[1])
+ { PD_COLORLIST, &lineColor, "linecolor", PDO_NORECORD, NULL, N_("Color") },
+#define drawBenchColorPD (drawPLs[2])
+ { PD_COLORLIST, &benchColor, "benchcolor", PDO_NORECORD, NULL, N_("Color") },
+#define drawBenchChoicePD (drawPLs[3])
+ { PD_DROPLIST, &benchChoice, "benchlist", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NORECORD|PDO_LISTINDEX, (void*)80, N_("Lumber Type") },
+#define drawBenchOrientPD (drawPLs[4])
+#ifdef WINDOWS
+ { PD_DROPLIST, &benchOrient, "benchorient", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NORECORD|PDO_LISTINDEX, (void*)45, "", 0 },
+ { PD_DROPLIST, &benchOrient, "benchorient", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NORECORD|PDO_LISTINDEX, (void*)105, "", 0 },
+#define drawDimArrowSizePD (drawPLs[5])
+ { PD_DROPLIST, &dimArrowSize, "arrowsize", PDO_NORECORD|PDO_LISTINDEX, (void*)80, N_("Size") } };
+static paramGroup_t drawPG = { "draw", 0, drawPLs, sizeof drawPLs/sizeof drawPLs[0] };
+static char * objectName[] = {
+ N_("Straight"),
+ N_("Dimension"),
+ N_("Lumber"),
+ N_("Table Edge"),
+ N_("Curved"),
+ N_("Curved"),
+ N_("Curved"),
+ N_("Curved"),
+ N_("Circle"),
+ N_("Circle"),
+ N_("Circle"),
+ N_("Box"),
+ N_("Polyline"),
+ N_("Filled Circle"),
+ N_("Filled Circle"),
+ N_("Filled Circle"),
+ N_("Filled Box"),
+ N_("Polygon"),
+ NULL};
+static STATUS_T CmdDraw( wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
+ static BOOL_T infoSubst = FALSE;
+ wControl_p controls[4];
+ char * labels[3];
+ static char labelName[40];
+ switch (action&0xFF) {
+ case C_START:
+ ParamLoadControls( &drawPG );
+ /*drawContext = &drawCmdContext;*/
+ drawWidthPD.option |= PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawColorPD.option |= PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawBenchColorPD.option |= PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawBenchChoicePD.option |= PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawBenchOrientPD.option |= PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawDimArrowSizePD.option |= PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawCmdContext.Op = (wIndex_t)(long)commandContext;
+ if ( drawCmdContext.Op < 0 || drawCmdContext.Op > OP_LAST ) {
+ NoticeMessage( "cmdDraw: Op %d", _("Ok"), NULL, drawCmdContext.Op );
+ drawCmdContext.Op = OP_LINE;
+ }
+ /*DrawGeomOp( (void*)(drawCmdContext.Op>=0?drawCmdContext.Op:OP_LINE) );*/
+ infoSubst = TRUE;
+ switch( drawCmdContext.Op ) {
+ case OP_LINE:
+ case OP_CURVE1:
+ case OP_CURVE2:
+ case OP_CURVE3:
+ case OP_CURVE4:
+ case OP_CIRCLE2:
+ case OP_CIRCLE3:
+ case OP_BOX:
+ case OP_POLY:
+ controls[0] = drawWidthPD.control;
+ controls[1] = drawColorPD.control;
+ controls[2] = NULL;
+ sprintf( labelName, _("%s Line Width"), _(objectName[drawCmdContext.Op]) );
+ labels[0] = labelName;
+ labels[1] = N_("Color");
+ InfoSubstituteControls( controls, labels );
+ drawWidthPD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawColorPD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ break;
+ case OP_FILLBOX:
+ controls[0] = drawColorPD.control;
+ controls[1] = NULL;
+ sprintf( labelName, _("%s Color"), _(objectName[drawCmdContext.Op]) );
+ labels[0] = labelName;
+ ParamLoadControls( &drawPG );
+ InfoSubstituteControls( controls, labels );
+ drawColorPD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ break;
+ case OP_BENCH:
+ controls[0] = drawBenchChoicePD.control;
+ controls[1] = drawBenchOrientPD.control;
+ controls[2] = drawBenchColorPD.control;
+ controls[3] = NULL;
+ labels[0] = N_("Lumber Type");
+ labels[1] = "";
+ labels[2] = N_("Color");
+ if ( wListGetCount( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control ) == 0 )
+ BenchLoadLists( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control );
+#ifdef LATER
+ if ( benchInx >= 0 && benchInx < wListGetCount( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control ) )
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, benchInx );
+ ParamLoadControls( &drawPG );
+ BenchUpdateOrientationList( (long)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, benchChoice ), (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control );
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control, benchOrient );
+ InfoSubstituteControls( controls, labels );
+ drawBenchColorPD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawBenchChoicePD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ drawBenchOrientPD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ break;
+ case OP_DIMLINE:
+ controls[0] = drawDimArrowSizePD.control;
+ controls[1] = NULL;
+ labels[0] = N_("Dimension Line Size");
+ if ( wListGetCount( (wList_p)drawDimArrowSizePD.control ) == 0 ) {
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDimArrowSizePD.control, _("Tiny"), NULL, NULL );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDimArrowSizePD.control, _("Small"), NULL, NULL );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDimArrowSizePD.control, _("Medium"), NULL, NULL );
+ wListAddValue( (wList_p)drawDimArrowSizePD.control, _("Large"), NULL, NULL );
+ }
+ ParamLoadControls( &drawPG );
+ InfoSubstituteControls( controls, labels );
+ drawDimArrowSizePD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ break;
+ case OP_TBLEDGE:
+ InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL );
+ InfoMessage( _("Drag to create Table Edge") );
+ drawColorPD.option &= ~PDO_NORECORD;
+ break;
+ default:
+ InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL );
+ infoSubst = FALSE;
+ }
+ ParamGroupRecord( &drawPG );
+ DrawGeomMouse( C_START, pos, &drawCmdContext );
+ return C_CONTINUE;
+ case wActionLDown:
+ ParamLoadData( &drawPG );
+ if ( drawCmdContext.Op == OP_BENCH ) {
+ drawCmdContext.benchOption = GetBenchData( (long)wListGetItemContext((wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, benchChoice ), benchOrient );
+ drawCmdContext.Color = benchColor;
+#ifdef LATER
+ benchInx = wListGetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control );
+ } else if ( drawCmdContext.Op == OP_DIMLINE ) {
+ drawCmdContext.benchOption = dimArrowSize;
+ } else {
+ drawCmdContext.Color = lineColor;
+ }
+ if ( infoSubst ) {
+ InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL );
+ infoSubst = FALSE;
+ }
+ case wActionLDrag:
+ ParamLoadData( &drawPG );
+ case wActionMove:
+ case wActionLUp:
+ case wActionRDown:
+ case wActionRDrag:
+ case wActionRUp:
+ case wActionText:
+ case C_CMDMENU:
+ SnapPos( &pos );
+ return DrawGeomMouse( action, pos, &drawCmdContext );
+ case C_CANCEL:
+ InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL );
+ return DrawGeomMouse( action, pos, &drawCmdContext );
+ case C_OK:
+ return DrawGeomMouse( (0x0D<<8|wActionText), pos, &drawCmdContext );
+ /*DrawOk( NULL );*/
+ case C_FINISH:
+ return DrawGeomMouse( (0x0D<<8|wActionText), pos, &drawCmdContext );
+ /*DrawOk( NULL );*/
+ case C_REDRAW:
+ return DrawGeomMouse( action, pos, &drawCmdContext );
+ default:
+ return C_CONTINUE;
+ }
+#include "bitmaps/dline.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/ddimlin.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dbench.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dtbledge.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dcurve1.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dcurve2.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dcurve3.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dcurve4.xpm"
+/*#include "bitmaps/dcircle1.xpm"*/
+#include "bitmaps/dcircle2.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dcircle3.xpm"
+/*#include "bitmaps/dflcrcl1.xpm"*/
+#include "bitmaps/dflcrcl2.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dflcrcl3.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dbox.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dfilbox.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dpoly.xpm"
+#include "bitmaps/dfilpoly.xpm"
+typedef struct {
+ char **xpm;
+ int OP;
+ char * shortName;
+ char * cmdName;
+ char * helpKey;
+ long acclKey;
+ } drawData_t;
+static drawData_t dlineCmds[] = {
+ { dline_xpm, OP_LINE, N_("Line"), N_("Draw Line"), "cmdDrawLine", ACCL_DRAWLINE },
+ { ddimlin_xpm, OP_DIMLINE, N_("Dimension Line"), N_("Draw Dimension Line"), "cmdDrawDimLine", ACCL_DRAWDIMLINE },
+ { dbench_xpm, OP_BENCH, N_("Benchwork"), N_("Draw Benchwork"), "cmdDrawBench", ACCL_DRAWBENCH },
+ { dtbledge_xpm, OP_TBLEDGE, N_("Table Edge"), N_("Draw Table Edge"), "cmdDrawTableEdge", ACCL_DRAWTBLEDGE } };
+static drawData_t dcurveCmds[] = {
+ { dcurve1_xpm, OP_CURVE1, N_("Curve End"), N_("Draw Curve from End"), "cmdDrawCurveEndPt", ACCL_DRAWCURVE1 },
+ { dcurve2_xpm, OP_CURVE2, N_("Curve Tangent"), N_("Draw Curve from Tangent"), "cmdDrawCurveTangent", ACCL_DRAWCURVE2 },
+ { dcurve3_xpm, OP_CURVE3, N_("Curve Center"), N_("Draw Curve from Center"), "cmdDrawCurveCenter", ACCL_DRAWCURVE3 },
+ { dcurve4_xpm, OP_CURVE4, N_("Curve Chord"), N_("Draw Curve from Chord"), "cmdDrawCurveChord", ACCL_DRAWCURVE4 } };
+static drawData_t dcircleCmds[] = {
+ /*{ dcircle1_xpm, OP_CIRCLE1, "Circle Fixed Radius", "Draw Fixed Radius Circle", "cmdDrawCircleFixedRadius", ACCL_DRAWCIRCLE1 },*/
+ { dcircle2_xpm, OP_CIRCLE3, N_("Circle Tangent"), N_("Draw Circle from Tangent"), "cmdDrawCircleTangent", ACCL_DRAWCIRCLE2 },
+ { dcircle3_xpm, OP_CIRCLE2, N_("Circle Center"), N_("Draw Circle from Center"), "cmdDrawCircleCenter", ACCL_DRAWCIRCLE3 },
+ /*{ dflcrcl1_xpm, OP_FILLCIRCLE1, "Circle Filled Fixed Radius", "Draw Fixed Radius Filled Circle", "cmdDrawFilledCircleFixedRadius", ACCL_DRAWFILLCIRCLE1 },*/
+ { dflcrcl2_xpm, OP_FILLCIRCLE3, N_("Circle Filled Tangent"), N_("Draw Filled Circle from Tangent"), "cmdDrawFilledCircleTangent", ACCL_DRAWFILLCIRCLE2 },
+ { dflcrcl3_xpm, OP_FILLCIRCLE2, N_("Circle Filled Center"), N_("Draw Filled Circle from Center"), "cmdDrawFilledCircleCenter", ACCL_DRAWFILLCIRCLE3 } };
+static drawData_t dshapeCmds[] = {
+ { dbox_xpm, OP_BOX, N_("Box"), N_("Draw Box"), "cmdDrawBox", ACCL_DRAWBOX },
+ { dfilbox_xpm, OP_FILLBOX, N_("Filled Box"), N_("Draw Filled Box"), "cmdDrawFilledBox", ACCL_DRAWFILLBOX },
+ { dpoly_xpm, OP_POLY, N_("Poly Line"), N_("Draw Polyline"), "cmdDrawPolyline", ACCL_DRAWPOLYLINE },
+ { dfilpoly_xpm, OP_FILLPOLY, N_("Polygon"), N_("Draw Polygon"), "cmdDrawPolygon", ACCL_DRAWPOLYGON } };
+typedef struct {
+ char * helpKey;
+ char * menuTitle;
+ char * stickyLabel;
+ int cnt;
+ drawData_t * data;
+ long acclKey;
+ wIndex_t cmdInx;
+ int curr;
+ } drawStuff_t;
+static drawStuff_t drawStuff[4];
+static drawStuff_t drawStuff[4] = {
+ { "cmdDrawLineSetCmd", N_("Straight Objects"), N_("Draw Straight Objects"), 4, dlineCmds },
+ { "cmdDrawCurveSetCmd", N_("Curved Lines"), N_("Draw Curved Lines"), 4, dcurveCmds },
+ { "cmdDrawCircleSetCmd", N_("Circle Lines"), N_("Draw Circles"), 4, dcircleCmds },
+ { "cmdDrawShapeSetCmd", N_("Shapes"), N_("Draw Shapes"), 4, dshapeCmds} };
+#ifdef LATER
+static void SetDrawMode( char * modeName )
+ wButton_p bb;
+ int inx1, inx2;
+ drawData_t * dp;
+ for ( inx1=0; inx1<4; inx1++ ) {
+ for ( inx2=0; inx2<drawStuff[inx1].cnt; inx2++ ) {
+ dp = &drawStuff[inx1].data[inx2];
+ if (strncmp( modeName, dp->modeS, strlen(dp->modeS) ) == 0 ) {
+ bb = GetCommandButton(drawStuff[inx1].cmdInx);
+ wButtonSetLabel( bb, (char*)(dp->icon) );
+ wControlSetHelp( (wControl_p)bb, dp->help );
+ drawStuff[inx1].curr = inx2;
+ DoCommandB( (void*)(drawStuff[inx1].cmdInx) );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void ChangeDraw( long changes )
+ wIndex_t choice, orient;
+ if ( changes & CHANGE_UNITS ) {
+ if ( drawBenchChoicePD.control && drawBenchOrientPD.control ) {
+ choice = wListGetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control );
+ orient = wListGetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control );
+ BenchLoadLists( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control );
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, choice );
+ wListSetIndex( (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control, orient );
+ }
+ }
+static void DrawDlgUpdate(
+ paramGroup_p pg,
+ int inx,
+ void * valueP )
+ if ( inx >= 0 && pg->paramPtr[inx].valueP == &benchChoice )
+ BenchUpdateOrientationList( (long)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)drawBenchChoicePD.control, (wIndex_t)*(long*)valueP ), (wList_p)drawBenchOrientPD.control );
+EXPORT void InitCmdDraw( wMenu_p menu )
+ int inx1, inx2;
+ drawStuff_t * dsp;
+ drawData_t * ddp;
+ wIcon_p icon;
+ drawCmdContext.Color = wDrawColorBlack;
+ lineColor = wDrawColorBlack;
+ benchColor = wDrawFindColor( wRGB(255,192,0) );
+ ParamCreateControls( &drawPG, DrawDlgUpdate );
+ for ( inx1=0; inx1<4; inx1++ ) {
+ dsp = &drawStuff[inx1];
+ ButtonGroupBegin( _(dsp->menuTitle), dsp->helpKey, _(dsp->stickyLabel) );
+ for ( inx2=0; inx2<dsp->cnt; inx2++ ) {
+ ddp = &dsp->data[inx2];
+ icon = wIconCreatePixMap( ddp->xpm );
+ AddMenuButton( menu, CmdDraw, ddp->helpKey, _(ddp->cmdName), icon, LEVEL0_50, IC_STICKY|IC_POPUP2, ddp->acclKey, (void *)(intptr_t)ddp->OP );
+ }
+ ButtonGroupEnd();
+ }
+ ParamRegister( &drawPG );
+ RegisterChangeNotification( ChangeDraw );
+#ifdef LATER
+ InitCommand( cmdDraw, N_("Draw"), draw_bits, LEVEL0_50, IC_POPUP|IC_CMDMENU, ACCL_DRAW );
+BOOL_T ReadTableEdge( char * line )
+ track_p trk;
+ TRKINX_T index;
+ DIST_T elev0, elev1;
+ trkSeg_t seg;
+ wIndex_t layer;
+ if ( !GetArgs( line, paramVersion<3?"dXpYpY":paramVersion<9?"dL000pYpY":"dL000pfpf",
+ &index, &layer, &seg.u.l.pos[0], &elev0, &seg.u.l.pos[1], &elev1 ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ seg.type = SEG_TBLEDGE;
+ seg.color = wDrawColorBlack;
+ seg.width = 0;
+ trk = MakeDrawFromSeg1( index, zero, 0.0, &seg );
+ SetTrkLayer(trk, layer);
+ return TRUE;
+ * Create a new segment for text. The data are stored in a trk structure.
+ * Storage for the string is dynamically allocated.
+ *
+ * \param index IN of new element
+ * \param pos IN coordinates of element
+ * \param angle IN orientation
+ * \param text IN text itself
+ * \param textSize IN font size in pts
+ * \param color IN text color
+ * \return the newly allocated trk structure
+ */
+EXPORT track_p NewText(
+ wIndex_t index,
+ coOrd pos,
+ ANGLE_T angle,
+ char * text,
+ CSIZE_T textSize,
+ wDrawColor color )
+ trkSeg_t tempSeg;
+ track_p trk;
+ tempSeg.type = SEG_TEXT;
+ tempSeg.color = color;
+ tempSeg.width = 0;
+ tempSeg.u.t.pos = zero;
+ tempSeg.u.t.angle = angle;
+ tempSeg.u.t.fontP = NULL;
+ tempSeg.u.t.fontSize = textSize;
+ tempSeg.u.t.string = MyStrdup( text );
+ trk = MakeDrawFromSeg1( index, pos, angle, &tempSeg );
+ return trk;
+EXPORT BOOL_T ReadText( char * line )
+ coOrd pos;
+ CSIZE_T textSize;
+ char * text;
+ wIndex_t index;
+ wIndex_t layer;
+ track_p trk;
+ ANGLE_T angle;
+ wDrawColor color = wDrawColorBlack;
+ if ( paramVersion<3 ) {
+ if (!GetArgs( line, "XXpYql", &index, &layer, &pos, &angle, &text, &textSize ))
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (paramVersion<9 ) {
+ if (!GetArgs(line, "dL000pYql", &index, &layer, &pos, &angle, &text, &textSize))
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ if (!GetArgs(line, "dLl00pfql", &index, &layer, &color, &pos, &angle, &text, &textSize ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ trk = NewText( index, pos, angle, text, textSize, color );
+ SetTrkLayer( trk, layer );
+ MyFree(text);
+ return TRUE;
+EXPORT void InitTrkDraw( void )
+ T_DRAW = InitObject( &drawCmds );
+ AddParam( "TABLEEDGE", ReadTableEdge );
+ AddParam( "TEXT", ReadText );