path: root/app/wlib/mswlib/mswchoic.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/wlib/mswlib/mswchoic.c')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/wlib/mswlib/mswchoic.c b/app/wlib/mswlib/mswchoic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ac391a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/wlib/mswlib/mswchoic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <commdlg.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "i18n.h"
+#include "mswint.h"
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Choice Boxes
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+int CHOICE_HEIGHT=(17);
+static XWNDPROC oldChoiceItemProc = NULL;
+static XWNDPROC newChoiceItemProc;
+typedef struct {
+ wChoice_p owner;
+ } wChoiceItem_t, * wChoiceItem_p;
+struct wChoice_t {
+ const char * * labels;
+ wChoiceItem_p *buttList;
+ long *valueP;
+ long oldVal;
+ wChoiceCallBack_p action;
+ HWND hBorder;
+ };
+static FARPROC oldChoiceProc;
+void wRadioSetValue(
+ wChoice_p bc,
+ long val )
+ const char ** labels;
+ long cnt;
+ wChoiceItem_p * butts;
+ butts = (wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList;
+ for (labels = bc->labels, cnt=0; *labels; labels++, cnt++, butts++ )
+ SendMessage( (*butts)->hWnd, BM_SETCHECK,
+ (val==cnt)?1:0, 0L );
+ bc->oldVal = val;
+ if (bc->valueP)
+ *bc->valueP = val;
+long wRadioGetValue(
+ wChoice_p bc )
+ return bc->oldVal;
+void wToggleSetValue(
+ wChoice_p bc,
+ long val )
+ const char ** labels;
+ long cnt;
+ wChoiceItem_p * butts;
+ butts = (wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList;
+ for (labels = bc->labels, cnt=0; *labels; labels++, cnt++, butts++ )
+ SendMessage( (*butts)->hWnd, BM_SETCHECK,
+ (val & (1L<<cnt)) != 0, 0L );
+ bc->oldVal = val;
+ if (bc->valueP)
+ *bc->valueP = val;
+long wToggleGetValue(
+ wChoice_p bc )
+ return bc->oldVal;
+static void choiceSetBusy(
+ wControl_p b,
+ BOOL_T busy)
+ wChoiceItem_p * butts;
+ wChoice_p bc = (wChoice_p)b;
+ for (butts = (wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList; *butts; butts++ )
+ EnableWindow( (*butts)->hWnd, !(BOOL)busy );
+static void choiceShow(
+ wControl_p b,
+ BOOL_T show)
+ wChoice_p bc = (wChoice_p)b;
+ wChoiceItem_p * butts;
+ if ((bc->option & BC_NOBORDER)==0)
+ ShowWindow( bc->hBorder, show?SW_SHOW:SW_HIDE );
+ for (butts = (wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList; *butts; butts++ )
+ ShowWindow( (*butts)->hWnd, show?SW_SHOW:SW_HIDE );
+static void choiceSetPos(
+ wControl_p b,
+ wPos_t x,
+ wPos_t y )
+ wChoice_p bc = (wChoice_p)b;
+ wChoiceItem_p * butts;
+ wPos_t dx, dy;
+ dx = x - bc->x;
+ dy = y - bc->y;
+ if ((bc->option & BC_NOBORDER)==0)
+ SetWindowPos( bc->hBorder, HWND_TOP, x, y, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,
+ for (butts = (wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList; *butts; butts++ ) {
+ SetWindowPos( (*butts)->hWnd, HWND_TOP,
+ (*butts)->x+=dx, (*butts)->y+=dy,
+ }
+ bc->x = x;
+ bc->y = y;
+long FAR PASCAL _export pushChoiceItem(
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT message,
+ UINT wParam,
+ LONG lParam )
+ /* Catch <Return> and cause focus to leave control */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ long inx = GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_ID );
+ short inx = GetWindowWord( hWnd, GWW_ID );
+ wControl_p b = mswMapIndex( inx );
+ switch (message) {
+ case WM_CHAR:
+ if ( b != NULL) {
+ switch( wParam ) {
+ case 0x0D:
+ case 0x1B:
+ case 0x09:
+ SetFocus( ((wControl_p)(b->parent))->hWnd );
+ SendMessage( ((wControl_p)(b->parent))->hWnd, WM_CHAR,
+ wParam, lParam );
+ /*SendMessage( ((wControl_p)(b->parent))->hWnd, WM_COMMAND,
+ inx, MAKELONG( hWnd, EN_KILLFOCUS ) );*/
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return CallWindowProc( oldChoiceItemProc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
+LRESULT choiceItemProc(
+ wControl_p b,
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam )
+ wChoiceItem_p me = (wChoiceItem_p)b, *rest;
+ wChoice_p bc;
+ int num;
+ switch( message ) {
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (WCMD_PARAM_NOTF) {
+ case BN_CLICKED:
+ bc = me->owner;
+ num = -1;
+ for (rest = (wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList; *rest; rest++ ) {
+ switch (bc->type) {
+ case B_TOGGLE:
+ num = rest-(wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList;
+ if (*rest == me) {
+ bc->oldVal ^= (1L<<num);
+ }
+ SendMessage( (*rest)->hWnd, BM_SETCHECK,
+ (bc->oldVal & (1L<<num)) != 0, 0L );
+ break;
+ case B_RADIO:
+ if (*rest != me) {
+ SendMessage( (*rest)->hWnd, BM_SETCHECK, 0, 0L );
+ } else {
+ bc->oldVal = rest-(wChoiceItem_p*)bc->buttList;
+ SendMessage( (*rest)->hWnd, BM_SETCHECK, 1, 0L );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bc->valueP)
+ *bc->valueP = bc->oldVal;
+ if (bc->action)
+ bc->action( bc->oldVal, bc->data );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
+static callBacks_t choiceCallBacks = {
+ mswRepaintLabel,
+ choiceSetBusy,
+ choiceShow,
+ choiceSetPos };
+static callBacks_t choiceItemCallBacks = {
+ choiceItemProc };
+ * Creates choice buttons. This function is used to create a group of
+ * radio buttons and checkboxes.
+ *
+ * \param type IN type of button
+ * \param parent IN parent window
+ * \param x, y IN position of group
+ * \param helpStr IN index string to find help
+ * \param labelStr IN label for group
+ * \param option IN ?
+ * \param labels IN labels for individual choices
+ * \param valueP OUT pointer for return value
+ * \param action IN ?
+ * \param data IN ?
+ * \return created choice button group
+ */
+static wChoice_p choiceCreate(
+ wType_e type,
+ wWin_p parent,
+ POS_T x,
+ POS_T y,
+ const char * helpStr,
+ const char * labelStr,
+ long option,
+ const char **labels,
+ long *valueP,
+ wChoiceCallBack_p action,
+ void *data )
+ wChoice_p b;
+ const char ** lp;
+ int cnt;
+ wChoiceItem_p * butts;
+ int ppx, ppy;
+ int bs;
+ HDC hDc;
+ HWND hButt;
+ int lab_l;
+ DWORD dw;
+ int w, maxW;
+ int pw, ph;
+ int index;
+ char * helpStrCopy;
+ HFONT hFont;
+ b = mswAlloc( parent, type, mswStrdup(labelStr), sizeof *b, data, &index );
+ mswComputePos( (wControl_p)b, x, y );
+ b->option = option;
+ b->valueP = valueP;
+ b->action = action;
+ b->labels = labels;
+ b->labelY += 6;
+ ppx = b->x;
+ ppy = b->y;
+ switch (b->type) {
+ case B_TOGGLE:
+ break;
+ case B_RADIO:
+ break;
+ }
+ for (lp = b->labels,cnt=0; *lp; lp++,cnt++ );
+ butts = (wChoiceItem_p*)malloc( (cnt+1) * sizeof *butts );
+ b->buttList = butts;
+ b->oldVal = (b->valueP?*b->valueP:0);
+ ph = pw = 2;
+ maxW = 0;
+ if (helpStr)
+ helpStrCopy = mswStrdup( helpStr );
+ for (lp = b->labels, cnt=0; *lp; lp++, cnt++, butts++ ) {
+ *butts = (wChoiceItem_p)mswAlloc( parent, B_CHOICEITEM,
+ mswStrdup(_((char *)*lp)), sizeof( wChoiceItem_t ), data, &index );
+ (*butts)->owner = b;
+ (*butts)->hWnd = hButt = CreateWindow( "BUTTON", (*butts)->labelStr,
+ bs | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | mswGetBaseStyle(parent), b->x+pw, b->y+ph,
+ ((wControl_p)parent)->hWnd, (HMENU)index, mswHInst, NULL );
+ if ( hButt == (HWND)0 ) {
+ mswFail( "choiceCreate button" );
+ return b;
+ }
+ (*butts)->x = b->x+pw;
+ (*butts)->y = b->y+ph;
+ if (b->hWnd == 0)
+ b->hWnd = (*butts)->hWnd;
+ (*butts)->helpStr = helpStrCopy;
+ hDc = GetDC( hButt );
+ lab_l = strlen((*butts)->labelStr);
+ if (!mswThickFont) {hFont = SelectObject( hDc, mswLabelFont );}
+ dw = GetTextExtent( hDc, (char *)((*butts)->labelStr), lab_l );
+ if (!mswThickFont) {SelectObject( hDc, hFont );}
+ if (w > maxW)
+ maxW = w;
+ SetBkMode( hDc, TRANSPARENT );
+ ReleaseDC( hButt, hDc );
+ if (b->option & BC_HORZ) {
+ pw += w;
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (!SetWindowPos( hButt, HWND_TOP, 0, 0,
+ mswFail("Create CHOICE: SetWindowPos");
+ }
+ mswChainFocus( (wControl_p)*butts );
+ newChoiceItemProc = MakeProcInstance( (XWNDPROC)pushChoiceItem, mswHInst );
+ oldChoiceItemProc = (XWNDPROC)GetWindowLong( (*butts)->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC );
+ SetWindowLong( (*butts)->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)newChoiceItemProc );
+ if ( !mswThickFont )
+ SendMessage( (*butts)->hWnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)mswLabelFont, 0L );
+ }
+ *butts = NULL;
+ switch (b->type) {
+ case B_TOGGLE:
+ wToggleSetValue( b, (b->valueP?*b->valueP:0L) );
+ break;
+ case B_RADIO:
+ wRadioSetValue( b, (b->valueP?*b->valueP:0L) );
+ break;
+ }
+ if (b->option & BC_HORZ) {
+ } else {
+ pw = maxW;
+ }
+ pw += 4; ph += 4;
+ b->w = pw;
+ b->h = ph;
+ if ((b->option & BC_NOBORDER)==0) {
+ b->hBorder = CreateWindow( "STATIC", NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | FRAME_STYLE,
+ b->x, b->y, pw, ph, ((wControl_p)parent)->hWnd, 0, mswHInst, NULL );
+ }
+ mswAddButton( (wControl_p)b, TRUE, helpStr );
+ mswCallBacks[ B_CHOICEITEM ] = &choiceItemCallBacks;
+ mswCallBacks[ type ] = &choiceCallBacks;
+ return b;
+wChoice_p wRadioCreate(
+ wWin_p parent,
+ POS_T x,
+ POS_T y,
+ const char * helpStr,
+ const char * labelStr,
+ long option,
+ const char **labels,
+ long *valueP,
+ wChoiceCallBack_p action,
+ void *data )
+ return choiceCreate( B_RADIO, parent, x, y, helpStr, labelStr,
+ option, labels, valueP, action, data );
+wChoice_p wToggleCreate(
+ wWin_p parent,
+ POS_T x,
+ POS_T y,
+ const char * helpStr,
+ const char * labelStr,
+ long option,
+ const char **labels,
+ long *valueP,
+ wChoiceCallBack_p action,
+ void *data )
+ return choiceCreate( B_TOGGLE, parent, x, y, helpStr, labelStr,
+ option, labels, valueP, action, data );